Sonhouse is a sound production agency and platform for sound people.

Lokerse Feesten

The Lokerse Feesten launched its own anthem, a new auditive entity, with its roots in the city’s rich tradition.

For decades, the Lokerse Feesten has had an anthem. This song, based on an old local anthem “Der heeft nen boer zijn buz verbrand”, is invariably played during soundchecks and used to be the first song as well. The time was now to build on this, together with people with a link to the festival.

The anthem, composed by John Roan (Arsenal/lalma) was launched to kick off the line-up, along with an on air moment on Studio Brussels’ Bus Belgica.

John Roan: “When the question came to me to collaborate on the new anthem, I did feel honoured, I must say. We’ve already played a lot at the festival, but this makes the experience that little bit more intimate. Finding the right tone for the anthem was honestly not that simple, because how do you capture the diversity of such a festival in one track.”

Timothy Heyninck, president of Lokerse Feesten, adds: “the anthem will not only be used in the future as the festival’s opener and for presentation, but will also be rolled out to the Lokerse Feesten’s various digital communication channels such as video and socials. Besides our reworked visual identity, we now also have an aural identity and sound logo that will live on for the long term with different derivatives and applications.”


Team Lokerse Feesten on this project:

Peter Daeninck

Lander Merckpoel

Stijn Lambertyn

Steven Latré

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